Key Stage 1 / IB Primary Years Program (PYP) (aged 5-7)
Students in Year 1 through 2 follow the UK National Curriculum in all subjects. within the framework of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP). Through the curriculum a balanced programme is offered to these students early in their education. They are given the opportunity to develop positive attitudes to learning at the beginning of their schooling.
English and Mathematics have priority in terms of teaching time and are taught daily. Science, History, and Geography are taught in integrated units called Units of Inquiry that follow these themes; Who We Are, Where We Are in Place and Time, How We Express Ourselves, How The World Works, How We Organize Ourselves and Sharing the Planet. Art and Design Technology, ICT, Physical Education (PE) and Music, are also integrated into the Units of Inquiry where strong connections can be made. Children learn about the world in which they live as well as developing their own creativity and physical expression. Children also make connections to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and look for ways to work towards these goals through action inspired reflections within the Units of Inquiry.
All subjects are taught by experienced, certified, international teachers.
At ISM children also participate in French and Arabic lessons from year 1 to year 2. Beginner and advanced language level courses are both taught at each year level. These are taught by specialist mother tongue speakers.
Assessment of student progress is continuous throughout the year both through formative and summative assessments. Students are encouraged to explore personal inquiries and express their understanding of the Central Idea of each unit along with the UK standards. A variety of tools are used to assess children against the expectations for their year group. This information is shared with parents through a written report sent at the end of each term, during conferences and through student portfolios.
In Year 6 students engage in an in-depth, collaborative inquiry called the Exhibition that provides students the opportunity to demonstrate independence and responsibility for their own learning. Students explore multiple perspectives, synthesize and apply their learning and take action as a result of their learning. The Exhibition unites the school and local community in a collaborative experience which demonstrates the children’s readiness for middle/secondary education.
At the end of each term we invite parents to student-led conferences to discuss their child's education, development and progress. It is at these conferences that parents receive the report card for their children.