Parent and Pupil Handbook and School Policies
We fully understand the importance of choosing the right school for your child. Whether you were raised in Morocco, have chosen it as a long term family home or have been brought here for a work assignment of a few years, an essential component of feeling “at home” is knowing with confidence that your children’s education is in good hands.
At the International School of Morocco the responsibility of a child’s learning is not one that we take lightly. We are committed to providing our pupils with the best possible education and to working in partnership with families to ensure that our children’s growth is always our top priority.
Please see hereafter for the complete ISM parent and pupil's handbook and school policies.
Complaints Policy Student Behaviour Policy Anti-Bullying Policy Whistleblowing Safeguarding
Child Protection Cyber Safety Teaching & Learning British Values Curriculum Intent Inclusion & Diversity PSHE Pastoral Care SEND Health & Safety
Emergency procedures First Aid